Poster Presenters
Each Poster presenter must prepare an e-Poster that will consist of a 1-page pdf file and upload it via our online system.
e-Poster presentations will not have a dedicated session time. All e-Posters will be available on the congress platform during the entire congress until 3 months after the congress.
Only e-Posters of registered participants will be displayed in the e-Poster Gallery.
The participants will be able to contact the poster presenter through the virtual platform.
e-Poster registered presenters will receive a dedicated link to upload their e-Posters by email by mid-April. Please contact if you haven’t received it.
Deadline for uploading your e-Poster: Wednesday, 4 May, 2022
e-Poster Guidelines
Technical specifications for e-Poster preparation
Please submit your e-Poster as a 1-page PDF file in Landscape orientation.
If you wish, you may use a template that can be downloaded here.
- Language: All e-Posters should be prepared in English.
- File Format: PDF file – 1 page is recommended
- Orientation: Please create your document in PowerPoint in Landscape Layout 16×9 and Save it as a PDF file
- Font types: Arial, Calibri, Verdana Times New Roman or Helvetica
- Font size: 11 points or larger
- Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and embedded videos are not permitted
- QR Codes may be included
- Images and tables: at least 200 dpi. Good picture quality is essential.
- When inserting images, photos, tables, etc., use copy-paste. Do not use embedded documents
- Avoid overlapping objects and layers. Only the final view/status will be visible
- When saving your PDF please do not use symbols or special characters (ie. +/@/ü) in the file name
- File size: Less than 5 MB
Poster presenters that registered to participate onsite in Milan are asked to print a one-page Poster in Portrait format.
Please note: We do not offer printing services at EAS 2022.
Please note that posters will be presented in one shift, duration of the Congress from Sunday, May 22 to Wednesday, May 25 in the Poster area next to the exhibition.
It is recommended that you stand at your Poster during the breaks.
The Organisers are not responsible for loss of any posters that have not been removed by the end of the Congress, Wednesday, May 25.
Please check the Poster Helpdesk upon registration to the congress for the number of the poster board allocated to you. Please use the board with the same number.
Technical Specs
Please prepare your poster on one sheet of cardboard. Alternatively presenters may display their material on several smaller sheets.
- The dimensions of the poster should not exceed 90 cm wide x 200 cm high
- Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract
- The text, illustrations, etc. should be bold enough to be read from a distance of two meters (six feet)
- Double sided tape, tacks and technical equipment will be available for the mounting of posters. Staff will also be in the poster area to assist you.
Science at a Glance (SaaG) Presenters
The 90th EAS Congress will be implementing E-posters as Science in a Glance sessions. The E-Poster terminals are located in the exhibition area. In addition your e-Poster will be available on the congress platform during the entire congress until 3 months after the congress.
- All SaaG Posters will appear on plasma stations in the Poster Area in the Exhibition hall and are available for electronic viewing at all times for participants during the exhibition opening hours.
- SaaG Posters do not require printing or production of materials, as the poster will be presented electronically, uploaded in advance to the congress site by the presenter.
- Each presenter will be allocated 7 minutes presentation time including 2 minutes for discussion.
- Presenting authors are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of their session.
- To prepare your e-Poster for the SaaG session, please follow the e-Poster Guidelines above and make sure you keep the deadline for uploading your e-Poster.