Congress chair
Charalambos Antoniades, UK
Scientific Programme Committee
Jeanine Roeters van Lennep, The Netherlands (co-chair)
Alberto Zambon, Italy (co-chair)
Charalambos Antoniades, UK (co-chair)
Mafalda Bourbon, Portugal
Tomas Freiberger, Czech Republic
Isabel Goncalves, Sweden
Tomasz Guzik, UK
Meral Kayikcioglu, Turkey
Florian Kronenberg, Austria
Jeffrey Kroon, The Netherlands
Haralampos Milionis, Greece
Danilo Norata, Italy
Borge Nordestgaard, Denmark
Klaus Parhofer, Germany
Kausik Ray, UK
Sanni Söderlund, Finland
Lale Tokgozuglu, Turkey
Alexandros Tselepis, Greece
Local Organising Committee
Charalambos Antoniades, University of Oxford (chair)
Andy Baker, University of Edinburgh
Dame Anna Dominiczak, University of Glasgow
Sheila Francis, University of Sheffield
Tom Guzik, University of Edinburgh
Pasquale Maffia, University of Glasgow
David Newby, University of Edinburgh
Andre Ng, President of the BCS
Naveed Sattar, University of Glasgow
Brian Williams, Chief Scientific and Medical Officer of the BHF