Monday 05 May
Debate: Is LDL lowering a solved problem? TUE
Kausik Ray, UK
Borge Nordestgaard, Denmark
Special EAS session: Global Highlights
Ashraf Reda, Egypt
Ashraf Reda
Prof Dr Ashraf Reda
DOB: 7-11-1955 –
Web of science ID:
Curent positions:
• Acting Prof. of cardiology department, College of medicine, Menofia University.
• President of EAVA (Egyptian Association of Vascular biology and Atherosclerosis )
• Director and PI of the Egyptian Cardiovascular Risk Factors Project
• National Lead Investigator for Egypt in FHSC of European Atherosclerosis Society
• Founder of WGLVR (Working Group for Lipidology, Vascular biology and Research),
a division of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology
• Founding Chairman of EGYBAC (Egyptian board of Accreditation in Cardiology)
• Former Elect board member and Treasure EgSC 2005-2013
Pablo Corral, Argentina
Pablo Corral
Dr. Pablo Corral is an Internal Medicine and Lipid specialist, leading the Lipids and Atherosclerosis Department at the ICM Institute in Mar del Plata, Argentina. He is a Professor at FASTA University’s School of Medicine, contributing to the Pharmacology and Research Department.
His research focuses on Lipids, Atherosclerosis, and Cardiovascular Disease prevention, with expertise in Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Residual Risk, and genetic dyslipidemias. Dr. Corral actively participates in the Red Iberoamericana de Hipercolesterolemia Familiar (IberoAmerica FH Network) and is one of the founders of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) MAS Latam Chapter.
Widely published in the lipidology field, Dr. Corral is a regular speaker at international Cardiovascular and Atherosclerosis conferences, making significant contributions to global lipid management advancements.
Affiliation: FASTA University, School of Medicine, Pharmacology and Research Department, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Soon Jun Hong, Korea
J.P.S. Sawhney, India
J.P.S. Sawhney
Dr. Sawhney completed his MBBS in 1980 and exhibited academic excellence during his academic years with five gold medals and Pfizer’s Gold Medal for Post-graduation in Medicine. He completed his MD Medicine and DM cardiology from prestigious PGIMER Chandigarh, India following which he joined Sir Ganga ram Hospital, New Delhi in 1987. At present Dr. JPS Sawhney is the Chairman of the Department of Cardiology at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) in New Delhi, India. Dr. Sawhney served as the Chairman of the first Clinical Practice Guidelines for Dyslipidemia Management (2024) by the Cardiology Society of India (CSI).
He is the member of the Sir Ganga Ram Trust Society and also member of the Executive Board and Ethics & Research Committee at SGRH. With over 228 national and international publications in indexed journals and books, his research is widely recognized in the medical community. He is also a national coordinator, steering committee member, and principal investigator for numerous global clinical trials and registries especially Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Failure and Acute Coronary Syndrome.
He is a fellow of Royal College of Physicians (FRCP), American College of Cardiology (FACC), European society of cardiology (FESC) and member of European society of Heart failure and European Atherosclerosis society.
His area of interest is clinical and preventive cardiology. He has done pioneering work in heart attacks in young Indians and Familial Hypercholesterolemia.
Dr. Sawhney has been honored with various awards and orations for his contributions to cardiology.