Educational CME accredited programme

Sunday 4 May

Sunday 04 May, 16:15-17:30

Pre/Event management of LDL-C: Getting the right patient at the right time

Identifying and managing the Pre-Event patient
Lale Tokgözoğlu, Ankara, Turkey
Getting to the sweet spot: too much or too little
Kausik Ray, UK
What is new on the horizon?
Nicholas Marston, USA

Monday 5 May

Monday 05 May, 13:30-14:45

Combination Therapy for LDL-C: Pathways to Goal Attainment

Implementation gaps: Data from Real world evidence in Europe 
Kausik Ray, UK
Early and effective: Combination Therapy for Optimal LDL-C Reduction (SWEDEHEART, CLEAR Outcomes) 
Julia Brandts, UK
Is it time for triple combination therapy?
Alberto Zambon, Italy
Monday 05 May, 13:30-14:45

Lp(a): Are we seeing light in the end of the tunnel?

Why is Lp(a) a causal risk factor for ASCVD ?
Ulf Landmesser, Germany
Clinical consequences of high Lp(a): Time for action
Pia Kamstrup, Denmark
My patient has high Lp(a). What do I do ?
Erik Stroes, The Netherlands
What can we expect from the future?
Leslie Cho, USA

EAS have independently organised all matters related to this programme, including content and presenters. We acknowledge financial support, in the form of an educational grant, received from industry in support of the programme.