Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception
Sunday 21 May, 18:00
The opening ceremony will feature welcome words and a lecture by the Anitschkow Prize Winner. The Opening Ceremony will be followed by a Welcome Reception in the exhibition area.
- All participants are invited to the Opening Ceremony starting at 18:00 in the Anitschkow Hall, followed by a Welcome Reception in the Exhibition area.
EAS Networking Evening
Tuesday 23 May, 19:30 at the Manufaktur
This enjoyable International event will be held at Manufaktur. A dinner buffet and music will make this evening unforgettable for the Congress guests.
The location and ambiance of Manukfaktur are impressive. The old industrial building at the harbour holds an unbeatable view of Friessenheim Island. Come and join us for a great evening – enjoy the view along the river, network with colleagues and friends, and admire the atmosphere that Manufaktur has to offer.
- Tickets are subject to availability and we recommend buying them online when registering for the Congress, or if already registered, by emailing: Regular Price: 60 EUR, Student Price: 30 EUR
- Transportation will be provided from the Congress Center to the Networking Evening and back. Buses will leave at 19:00 from the Congress Center, and will return at 22:00, 23:00 and 00:00.