Educational CME accredited programme

Sunday 21 May


Elevated triglycerides and reduction of CV risk: What did we learn after REDUCE-IT?

Kausik Ray, UK
TG vs apo B reduction
Brian Ference, UK
Recent trials with Omega 3 lessons to be learned 
Alberto Zambon, Italy
EPA: Mechanism(s) of action
Chris Packard, France

The continuum of cardiometabolic risk-from NASH, Obesity and Diabetes

NASH- What is it and how does it increase risk of Atherosclerosis
Stefano Romeo, Sweden
Attenuating lifetime risk of Diabetes through personalised weight management
Brian Ference, UK
The role of GLP-1 in preventing ASCVD in DM and Obesity
Lale Tokgözoğlu, Turkey

Monday 22 May

Tuesday 23 May

EAS have independently organised all matters related to this programme, including content and presenters. We acknowledge financial support, in the form of an educational grant, received from industry in support of the programme.