Prof. Daniel Gaudet: “New insight in the diagnosis and the treatments of severe hypertriglyceridemia”
Session date and time: Monday 27 May, 12:45-13.15

Dr. Gaudet is a known clinician-researcher in clinical lipidology. Professor of medicine at the Université de Montreal (U de M), he coordinates the U de M community gene medicine center in Chicoutimi and its clinical lipidology and rare dyslipidemia unit. He founded the lipid clinic at the Chicoutimi Hospital and now heads ECOGENE-21, a non-profit clinical research organization dedicated to access diagnostic or therapeutic innovation for patients with unmet needs. His main academic activities aim at investigating rare or severe lipid disorders, translating new knowledge issued from extreme lipid phenotypes to more common forms of diseases and facilitating access to innovative treatments. In collaboration with his team, he has coordinated or conducted nearly 230 clinical studies over the years. To date, he authored more than 300 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, including several tens in very highly rated Journals as well as >550 scientific communications or book chapters. Recently he collaborated in the launch of SMASH, an emerging international initiative dedicated to access to innovation in lipidology.